Meet the Ranger!
Saturday, January 11, 2025, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Questions? Please contact:
(505) 992-9897

The Arroyo Hondo Land Trust, your very own local non-profit at work improving our community, is planning a series of presentations this summer. The talks/demos are focused on ways we can conserve water, nourish our gardens, landscapes and open spaces, and help protect against losses caused by climate change.
On Saturday, September 14, 10-11, Pam Roy will take us on a walk-through of her long-established vegetable garden at 41 Arroyo Hondo Trail and show how using compost and other soil techniques can create a sustainable food-producer in our arid area.

The Arroyo Hondo Land Trust, your very own local non-profit at work improving our community, is planning a series of presentations this summer. The talks/demos are focused on ways we can conserve water, nourish our gardens, landscapes and open spaces, and help protect against losses caused by climate change.
Marita and Peter Prandoni will host a tour of their property at 42 Sudeste Place on Sunday, August 11, 4-5 to show how simple techniques such as small swales, one-rock dams, and careful curation of native plants can produce a healthy, low maintenance and low water using landscape.

The Arroyo Hondo Land Trust, your very own local non-profit at work improving our community, is planning a series of presentations this summer. The talks/demos are focused on ways we can conserve water, nourish our gardens, landscapes and open spaces, and help protect against losses caused by climate change.
The discussions will be led by AHLT board members, starting with Amy Lewis on Sunday, July 14 from 4-5. Amy and her husband Greg are hydrologists with their own business and are frequent consultants to the City and County of Santa Fe. Amy will present some eye-opening information on area wells, the Sunlit Hills water utility and other water data she has gathered. Come with questions! Location of this talk is being arranged and will be announced as soon as known but meanwhile save the date!